Sunday, March 28, 2010

Resetting Goals

I'm really sore from the gym yesterday and now my shoulder is pretty sore from getting the tattoo finished. The spot inside my armpit changed my personal definition of pain.

With the complaining done, hopefully this week will be my first step back losing weight and trying to burn off another ~14 pounds. This morning, I was at 181.6 pounds.

I want to be down around 168 by July. As a reward, once I get below 170 pounds I'll be getting my right leg tattooed so I don't look like I have one black sock on anymore. I may not get it done until fall so I don't mess with the racing season too much.

While we're talking goals, This summer I'd also like to reach:
15% body fat
300 watt functional threshold power
1100 watt 5-second sprint
sub-20 minute West River Time Trial

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Round 2

Looking back at my weight loss journey, I realize that I really spent about 4 months both losing weight and gaining fitness, and then I spent the last several months gaining fitness (speed and power) but not losing weight anymore.

I think in order to lose the remaining weight, I'm going to have to treat it as a project, just like I did last time.

I've gained a couple pounds back in the last few weeks. My shoulder has been healing from the new tattoo, I've just finished my final projects for the semester for school, I've been preparing to start my new job, and now I've just had a minor surgery that will keep me off the bike for a week, just in time to go back for the last tattoo session on my shoulder next Sunday.

Once all that is over, I'm going to try the same routine I did last year:

  • Saturday and Sunday outdoors on the bike
  • Tuesday and Thursday on the trainer in the morning
  • Tuesday and Thursday at the gym in the evening
  • Eat 4 to 5 meals a day
  • Cut down on the fast food
  • Cut down on soda
I've kind of let me diet go completely and I have barely been in the gym. I know that I will need to change them both. I'm hoping that the new job doesn't prevent that.

My weight is around 178 right now. I'd really like to be in the lower 160's by the end of the summer. Last year I lost 20 pounds in 4 months. If I can drop 16 pounds in 4 months this time around, I will be really happy.

I had planned on doing a lot of races this year. That hasn't changed. I still want to get into several crits and time trials. The competition will be great to keep my motivation up. In the long term, I have to remember that it's more important for me to be healthy and thinner than it is for me to be racing, though. I have to remember to make the weight loss a priority again.