I really wanted this blog post to be just a short phrase: some huge new weight record on the leg press and the number of times I lifted it. It's too bad that my body wasn't quite keeping up with my ego.
Some moments, it feels like I can fly around with a big S on my chest with John Williams' score in the background. Then there are moments when I feel Lex Luthor's goofy sidekick.
Today was a little of both.
First off, I did set a new leg press record. The same weight as before, but more repetitions: 4 reps at 1120 pounds.
Mind you, at this point I was seriously worked up. I had Five Finger Death Punch on the iPod (thanks Mickey!) and practically bounded out of the seat to get more weight. I had been like that for the last few sets and was walking all big and bad like some motorcycle gang member (I've been watching Sons of Anarchy and was channeling Jax a little bit).
My mistake was getting cocky. I wanted to try a heavier weight that would only allow me 2 repetitions. Instead of just going up a few pounds, I took a shot at my season goal of 1200 pounds. I added 90 pounds (because it makes it easier by just adding two 45-pound plates) and tried for 1210. It was a little too much.
I lifted the weight off the blocks, released the brakes and started lowering it.... and lowering it... and ..... f@ck. It went past the point where I had any hope of lifting it, so I slowly lowered it onto the safety stop.
For a split second, I was seriously worried that the safety stop could not handle that much weight, so I got my ass out of that seat FAST once the weight was down.
Adding insult to injury, the safety blocks are so low that I had to remove almost all the weight from the machine before I could keep lifting at a lower weight. By the time I got all that weight off, I was beat and not in the best of moods, so I did a couple other lifts and called it a day.
A new record and a failed attempt at an even higher one. Maybe next time I'll just add 20 pounds instead of 90!