OK, so I'm finally starting to get some semblance of normalcy again.
After the chaos of moving and trying to get settled into a new place, I'm finally at a point where I can say that I'm getting some kind of routine again. The miracle is that I didn't gain any weight during all this since I was not training much the last few weeks.
I had a really good ride at RPM on Saturday and I got in solid workouts Tuesday and Wednesday. I was up too late doing homework to get up and ride this morning.
I'm still not back in the gym yet, even though I live like 2 miles from the closes branch of my gym. I figure I'll need to get caught up with my school work before I can pull that off.
I should have known when I started this weight loss project that sometimes life gets in the way. I never would have expected something as major as a divorce, but here I am anyway. So now, on top of the challenges I already had (traveling for work and getting my MBA), I now have the added emotional strain of being completely on my own again and rebuilding a new life. I've avoided talking about all the problems going on since that's really not what this blog is about, but I realize that I should mention it since things like this do happen in life.
I couldn't do it alone. I've managed to reconnect with some old friends who I lost touch with and made some new friends who have made the whole experience a much happier one than it would have been otherwise.
I kind of fell off from blogging since I didn't know quite what to write or how. I realize that I should keep writing. It helps me keep all my thoughts and goals in order.
Despite all this, my weight is still dropping slowly. This morning I was at 174.2 and 19.1% body fat (I forgot to mention, I got a nicer used Tanita body fat scale really cheap!). A month or two ago, I had bought some pants with a 36" waist and a smaller belt and they are now getting a little looser. I'm guessing at around 170 pounds I'll need to buy smaller pants again.
I'm throwing down this goal right now: my major target is to win a crit race in the spring. I don't know which one or anything yet and I realize it may be a matter of doing several and learning from each one until I can pull it off. But there it is: I don't just want to be thin and lean again. I want to win again.