Sunday, December 13, 2009

Charlie's House of Pain

Since it's cold and raining this morning, we had our team ride at Breakaway Bikes as an RPM class. Charlie Zamastil organized the ride and created a custom course that he thought would be fun.

Let me tell you, when someone who is 5'10" tall and 134 pounds makes a course that he thinks is fun, it will have a lot of climbing in it. Long, steep climbing. For example, he put in a 3 mile, 6% climb, which took us about 20 minutes to climb. He also had a couple climbs at 9% and 13.5%. It was brutal. My legs were dying, especially after yesterday's ride.

Half the group didn't even finish the course. Of course, the funny part is that our group did the course that Charlie designed. The group that Charlie was riding in did a much easier course (the one that we did yesterday, actually).

My legs are freaking killing me. Good job, Charlie :-)