This week, I made a rookie training mistake: I did WAY too much intensity.
Last Saturday, I did the West River Time Trial
Sunday, I did the Lower Providence Crit (got dropped, but still had some serious power numbers).
Tuesday morning, field test on the Computrainer.
Tuesday at lunch, went riding with coworkers.
Tuesday night, gym.
Thursday morning, tempo workout, forgot to calibrate trainer to the resistance was WAY high.
Thursday night, Green Tree crit until it rained.
Saturday, West River Time Trial.
Did I mention that I'm working almost non-stop lately and have an hour+ commute to work each way?
When I got on the trainer this morning , I couldn't figure out why I felt like crap. I looked over my training log for the last week and it was suddenly really clear: I'm doing too much at high intensity. To make matters worse, I'm not eating right or resting in between, so my body never refuels and recovers from the effort.
I've got to say, with my frustrations at the crit last week and annoyances like this, I've seriously thought about moving my training back to "weight loss" mode for the next few months until I lost the weight I gained back and get to a decent racing weight. Between gaining weight and seeing less-than-ideal performances, I'm not so sure that trying to race and lose weight at the same time is such a good idea.