After a bunch of logistical hassles this morning, I found myself running really, really late. I only had about 2 hours to fit in a workout, so I did what any sane person would do: A 40K time trial on my CompuTrainer.
I created a course that, in hindsight, was not a great design. It was mostly between 0.5% and 1.5% grade the entire time. Since most time trials are out-and-back, that kind of climbing rarely happens. As a result, my time was a bit slower than I would expect outside. My power, though, was not so bad.
I did the TT at a medium pace, pushing it a little bit, but mostly trying to get an idea of what kind of intensity I could hold. I didn't want to totally burn out and I was not out to kill anyone. I also wanted to gradually increase my average power as the time trial went on, meaning I woudl have to start kind of easy and build it up over time.
I finished the 40K in 1:11:57, an almost embarrassing time outside, but it was the power I was more interested in. My average power was 217 watts. It's hardly ground shaking, since my threshold is over 240 watts. Still, to hold that kind of power on a trainer while watching TV, it's not bad.
I'm hoping it will be nice next weekend so I can take a shot at this outdoors!