After doing 8 races in 6 weekends, I had this weekend off. It was kind of nice, actually.
It rained like crazy on Saturday, so I spent about 2 hours on the trainer watching a bike race on DVD.
On Sunday, I went for a super-long 4 hour and 10 minute ride covering 73 miles. I kept the pace pretty easy. I was really happy to see a 17.5 mph average for the day. Since it was a pretty flat course, the speed was not hard to maintain.
My weight is at 180.2, so I'm just creeping up on 10 pounds lost for the year.
Next weekend, I don't have any races and my parents are in town. After that, I have a few cool races coming up. There's a time trial that starts inside a C-130 cargo plane and a race around an oval course with no turns! The weekend after that, there's a crit on an airport runway!