It's that time of year again: Transition phase, the change from racing season to "off-season."
In other words, for the next month or so (until after my honeymoon), I'll be training how I feel like it, when I feel like it, and if I feel like it. Sure, I'd like to lose another pound or so before the wedding and I'd like to get into the gym enough to get past the initial muscle soreness, but those are hardly major goals.
It's also a time for me to look at my goals for the next season in closer detail, pick my priority events, and start outlining my training. I start to geek out and reread all of my Coggan, Bompa, Friel, Carmichael, and whoever-else books so that I can remind myself of what needs to be done.
Above all, it's really nice to have a little time to just enjoy riding and working out because I enjoy it and not to prepare for a race that's looming.