It's really amazing how much of an affect 9 days off the bike can have on you.
We got back on Sunday and I started riding again on Monday.
My endurance is really diminished. Just ten days earlier, I had ridden at 235 watts for 90 minutes. On Tuesday, I barely held 200 watts for 45 minutes. Before we left, I was doing 2 hour training rides both days of every weekend. On Saturday, I could barely stay on for 90 minutes.
My high end capacity is really painful. A couple of weeks ago, I was able to hold 350 watts for 5 minutes. On Wednesday, I could barely hold 300 watts for 2 minutes.
Of course, during all of this, my heart rate is running way above normal.
I know that by the end of next week, my body should be more or less back to normal, but it does not make this any less annoying.
On the plus side, my weight is below pre-Christmas levels. This morning I was 173.0.