With the season over, I'm taking a bit of a break from structured training. That doesn't mean that I'm not training, though.
The best way I can describe my training right now is like a sampler platter: it's a little bit of everything, just seeing what I really like and what I don't want to do if I can avoid it.
I'm doing a tempo ride here and there, a VO2 interval or two, and a few long, easy rides in no real order or with no real goals. Just doing what I feel like.
I'm also getting back into the gym and lifting a bit. It's nothing major yet. I'm just trying to get my body used to lifting again and get past the major muscle soreness. So far, I like my new gym and I'm getting a feel for which exercises I'm better to do with free weights (and inside those, dumbbells or barbells) and which ones I prefer to just do on a machine.
Overall, it's nice to just take some pressure off before I start building for next year.