Most of you know that I'm a bit of a data geek when it comes to my training. I use a software program called WKO+ to track all my training that, among other things, gives me a running tally of my best performances.
The problem with your best, though, is that you can't always hit your absolute best. For example, my workout yesterday was two intervals of 20 minutes each right around my threshold power. My best at that workout was two intervals at 290 watts. I can barely hold that for 6 or 7 minutes right now.
Luckily, I reset my "season" in the software for when I got back on the bike in April. WKO told me that my best power for 20 minutes since then was 226 watts. That gave me a target to aim for and to try and beat.
By having the recent "best" values, I always have a target to try and beat by just a little. Instead of aiming for a value I can't hit yet, I have something to aim for that's within reach.
Yesterday was a good day. On the two intervals, I was able to hit 228 and 234 watts. Two new peak values for the season and one step closer to getting back to where I need to be.
For comparison, at my peak, I can do three of them at 285. I have a lot more work to do to get back there.