Saturday, September 17, 2016

Long Time Away

It's been a busy year, but not on the bike!

Back in January, I was working on some aggressive goals for this year on the bike. Around the same time, I got involved with Shelli's side business... which took off like a rocket. All my mental effort and free time went into that instead of into training and racing like I'd planned.

Now, the business is doing really well (for a side business, we're not doing it full time or anything), but I'm seriously out of shape and have gained 15 pounds just this year, reaching just under 190 pounds.

So, now it's time to get at least a little fitness back and lose some weight.

My average training week has only been 3 or 4 hours a week at best. I want to build that up to 6 to 8 and see how it goes.

Goal wise, I doubt I'll be racing on that much training volume. Mostly I want to get my weight back down around 170 (or a little under) and not embarrass myself when I go out riding with my friends and maybe get a few Strava KOMs back that I've lost.

Starting numbers:
estimated FTP: 210 watts
weight: 187 pounds