Sunday, May 17, 2020

Prep Work

This week was focused on getting ready.

I am still not quite healed enough to ride outside much, so I drove the roads I want to start training on. I wanted to see how much traffic was on them, what condition they were in, and get a rough idea of where I was going.

I've started gearing back up. Little things like my saddle bag that was wearing thin, replacing spare tubes that had dry rotted a bit, and upgrading firmware in my electronics. I got a new helmet with crash detection so my wife knows if anything happens (and where to find me) and a new rear radar unit to help me know when cars are coming up behind me.

I've been watching WKO tutorial videos to make sure I'm getting the most out of my training data so I can plan workouts as effectively as possible.

My major pride and joy this week was the "Training Goal Graphic Equalizer". I realized that when people asked me how training was going or how recovery was going, it really wasn't a simple answer and there's far more to it than how long I'm riding each day.

I listed out all of the goals that I believe I will need to reach in order to hit the performance I will need by September 2021.

The timed sections and times I'm aiming for are:
  •  5.7 mile climb with 1278' of climbing, starting 3.4 miles into the event in about 22:00
  •  11.4 miles over rolling terrain with 1200' of climbing and 650' of descent, starting 35 miles into the event in about 36:00.
Each column represents a performance measurement that I will need to hit in training or in a test event, including weight, body fat, VO2 max, longest ride, most Kj burned on a ride, and multiple maximum power durations. I expect I'll need to hit most or all of them in order to be competitive (and perhaps win). As I reach each goal, I'll fill in that box. As I get better, the colors change from red, to yellow, to green.

For reference, I listed my previous best values, both to give me a comparison and to remind me that this is possible.

Hopefully this helps keep me on track and focused on the right things.