Sunday, November 29, 2015

Notes from Training

It's that time of year when there's not a lot of exciting things to post. I'm training, I'm working on losing a few pounds, and I'm trying to keep motivated now that it's generally some combination of cold, dark, and wet outside.

 Overall, I'd say that I am well behind schedule for my training for next year.  After vacation, I got sick more than once and it really set me back. I'm back on the bike and making progress, but it's slower going without the nice warm days to get outside.

So, here are a few notes that I've found helpful lately:
  1. When starting a new exercise, like say a stair mill, maybe 45 minutes on it is not a great idea. Two days of inactivity due to DOMS is not helpful to reach training goals.
  2. Cytomax tends to grow mold very quickly and sometimes I need to use bleach on my bottles to get it out. It's a good idea to make sure all the bleach is out before using that bottle again.
  3. Two days on, three days off is not an effective training regimen.
  4. Plastic cycling cleats and vinyl floors can be a slippery combination
So yeah, not too much exciting but I'm still working on it!