Sunday, January 10, 2016

Settling back in

One of my favorite business/management podcasts, Manager Tools, describes good management as being mostly routine and unsexy. Training is pretty much the same way.

One week in, I'm starting to build back up and it's not very exciting.

I've been getting into the boxing training, doing 15 to 20 minutes after work. It's a great stress release and burns a few extra calories. My knuckles are skinned to hell because I bought the wrong kind of gloves at first and they are healing up nicely now that I got the right gear. I'm gradually learning how to wrap my hands so I don't cut off the circulation.

On the bike I'm building my endurance back up. Yesterday I did 90 minutes... kind of pathetic by my normal standards but I was pretty happy about it at the time. I'm planning to gradually build that back up so I can get 3 hour rides on a regular basis, but that will take me a while.

My power numbers, well, they were not great. I lost a lot of ground the last few months. All I can do now is work on getting it back.

There's no doubt that I will need to reassess my goals for the year. It's all but impossible for me to reach the kind of power numbers I would need to win the state TT in 6 months, so I'll need to pick some other targets. I'm going to wait to see how quickly I can rebuild before I try to set anything specific.